Gewijzigd op Wo, 7 Feb, 2024 om 1:25 PM

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(dit artikel wordt momenteel vertaald en kan deels nog in het Engels geschreven zijn)  

1. Check how often the error happens. If only one or two times a day, then it’s caused by the unstable Grid. If error is continuous then refer below mentioned steps.

2.   Discharge  inverter for 30min.  If  the inverter  backs  to  work normally, then let it go.

3.   If installation is new then please check connectivity is proper or not of AC gland make sure AC cable connect properly in connector terminal only. (The polarity is clearly mentioned on AC gland).

4.   Please check all the wire connections from AC connectors to the AC distribution box and in meter side also (were there any untighten connections, or wire contact area is too small).

5.   If suspecting loose contact please properly connect the cable after disconnect from connector or ACDB.

6. Please check the whole grid system, are there any inductive loads that are used in the same Grid. If they are switching frequently between work and stop mode, the grid will be very unstable till they stop working. (Inductive loads are like big Air Conditioners, motors, transformers, etc.

7. Multiple inverters installed in line and the grid voltage wave is non-ideal. Then Grid filters need to be set from special setting set the filter (from 0 to 7) until and unless inverter not comes in generation. All the setting you do after make Grid OFF from advance setting.

8.   Please check whether the problem is occurring during peak hour generation.

9.   Check for the rating of the transformer which is connected to the inverter.

10. Please confirm if the fault is occurring in all the inverters in the utility plant.

11. Transformer tapping needs to be change.

12. If issue persisting fault not getting recognized then STOP the Grid-INTF from special setting then if inverter comes in generation then keep GRID-INTF stop for 5min after that again RUN this. All the setting you do after make Grid OFF from advance setting.

13. If issue still persist then, please check the VOC of all of the PV strings (Voltage should check from connector end after disconnect string from inverter).

14. Use a multi-meter to check the voltages between PV+ and earth, PV- and earth of all the PV strings. It should be decreasing from values between 5% and 95% of single PV module Voc. If voltage stuck on above single module VOC or in decreasing condition if voltage getting increase that means there is some fault with that strings.

15. If system is three phase (Check AC side voltage Phase to Phase, phase to neutral and neutral to earthing.) Always check reading from inverter AC gland end.

16. If system is single phase (Check AC side voltage Phase to neutral, phase to earthing and neutral to earthing.) Always check reading from inverter AC gland end.

17. Take complete reading of information menu like DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4 then VA, VB, VC or VGrid then Status (Error) and Total energy.

18. Take reading from advance info Alarm messages, version, running messages, warning messages.

19. Take ACDB, DCDB close and clear photo, inverter serial no. which is stick on inverter body and inverter complete installation photo.

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